New L.oak’s website is set to introduce an exciting new feature - an interactive visualizer. This tool is designed to convert website visitors into actual customers by allowing them to personalise their kitchen design. Through this engagement, customers will spend more time with the brand. Additionally, by providing their email to recieve results, they will also sign up for a newsletter that will keep them in touch with the brand and foster a closer relationship with a customer.
The aim is to enhance the user experience by allowing customers to visualise and customise their kitchen renovations, making the website more engaging. This feature gives a competitive advantage in the market since many competitors don’t offer a similar tool. It streamlines the initial consultation process, reducing time spent on phone or in-person meetings. Additionally, the tool can also bring customers that aren’t yet convinced in renovating but are curious about the price and final look.
It solves the problem of lack of brand awareness and engagement with customers on website and social media. It also elevates New L.oak’s reputation and gives insights into customers while seamlessly blending in with the brand.
The Kitchen Vision plug-in will be promoted on the new newsletter by New L.oak, and on social media with a promotional poster which includes a QR code to sign up for the newsletter and lastly by a promotional video of the tool.
The concept is based on field and desk research findings which made it clear that the target group wants to see a more clear vision of what their kitchen could look like if they purchase from New L.oak. (Baranauskaite et al., 2023).
This production book has been developed according to the Verhaar & Eshel project management model, as described in UoS1. This covers the six control factors that are relevant to the Kitchen Vision plug-in planning, development and implementation.
Although the definition of quality can vary, the objectives set forth here are tailored to the needs and expectations of the client while still being deemed achievable, and establish a clear benchmark for the overall quality at every stage of the production. The Team Division section provides a clear breakdown of the team members’ roles and organisational structure throughout the project. The Masterplan will include a detailed description of the facilities, outlining every component that is necessary for the planning, development, and implementation of the Kitchen Vision design tool as well as promotional products. Time is covered in the timeline and the organisational details. Information is presented through both the Masterplan and Team Division, which are closely related to organisation. Money aspect is showcased in the budget.